Airplane Rental Checkout

Getting checked out to rent at EB Flight is a simple process. If you are new to EB Flight, you should contact us to schedule a checkout with our designated flight instructors. During the checkout you will be evaluated on your ability to fly safely. These checkouts are a minimum of one hour flight time but typically take up to two hours to complete (based on pilot proficiency). Once this is done and your paperwork is complete, you can begin renting.

Renters have access to our online scheduling software, so no phone call is necessary. Overnight and multiple day rentals are allowed. 

Checkout Checklist

Before your checkout flight, please be sure to have the following documents and items ready:

  • FAA pilot certificate
  • Current FAA medical or BasicMed certification
  • Government issued photo ID (state driver license or passport)
  • Original birth certificate or passport
  • Current charts

Please note that without the above documents, you will not be allowed to fly. We take safety seriously and adhere to all regulatory requirements.


All pilots renting our aircraft will be evaluated by one of our designated flight instructors. Prospective renters will be evaluated based on the airman certification standards. Pilots must be able to safely and confidently fly the aircraft.